VIRUS BUSTER Mask is not your typical mask

It is a self-sterilizing antiviral equipment optimized to protect against COVID-19

Antiviral is a MUST

We wear a mask for protection against infection, but is protecting all it does? Filtered viruses stay on the mask's surface and proliferate. So when you unknowingly touch your mask, your protection gear becomes a vector for infection

*on average, people touch their masks more than 800 times a day.

Virucidal Efficacy

Virus Buster Mask's virucidal properties 

inactivates 90% of the COVID 19 virus in 5minutes and 

reaches 99.99% (total annihilation) in 30 minutes.

* Filter Efficiency: 85-95% for 3μm 

Mask Structure

4 Layer Structure

Double Action of Blocking & Destroying

The filter layer blocks viruses from infiltration while the virucidal layer inactivates them